In: Discovery, General

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!  These are all special times of the year… So today we thought we would look back at some of the Blogs that we posted and share the #1 articles from a few of our themes along with our personal favourites, and to share what we are looking to do in 2023.

Microsoft 365

Configuring Access for Microsoft 365 eDiscovery came in with 1516 page views over the past 8 months… a number of other articles in the theme came in at 480+ page views.  Check out the article and the series here: Microsoft 365

Google Suite

Data Export Tool came in with 112 page views with the other export option articles coming in at 70+ page views.  Check out the article and the series here: Google Suite


 We continued to support Fins Attached with sponsoring additional tags and giving everyone a chance to select names for the sharks. We are looking forward to sharing updates for the sharks that we previously sponsored tags for (check out our We Love Sharks! Article).  Thanks to Fins Attached and other organizations that are trying to make a difference, we have been able to see a number of changes in the world governments to extend the protection of sharks and our oceans.

As 2023 comes into view for us, we want to wish you all the best, and encourage you all to keep Looking Forward and Learning from The Past.

Would you like to learn more about our services? Email [email protected] or call 289-803-9730. We would be happy to share more details about our self-service or fully managed eDiscovery services!